Aarcover is an all caps Type 1 PostScript font, plus numbers and punctuation, whose characters "look like" static electricity or limp lightning. It was done at the request of a group called, oddly enough, AARCOVER.
This font should work on all Macintoshes connected to PostScript printers and/or using ATM version 1.2 or higher. No warranty is expressed or implied as to its working as expected. No warranty is made as to its functionality when ported to any platform other than Apple Macintoshes.
Aarcover is shareware, with the following terms: if you use or keep it you must do one of the following: send a check that will not bounce in the amount of $12,341,709.12 to Cynthia Lemiesz at the Columbia University Music Department, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027; send a crisp one dollar bill to the same address, along with a blurred photograph; or bow on your knees every day for twelve days and face Spencer, Massachusetts, repeating the mantra, "I like jam! I don't understand!" for 18 minutes.